Love You Most | Teen Ink

Love You Most

April 22, 2024
By Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
21 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It's time to do it now and do it loud." - Dr. Death-Defying

It always feels like a punch in the gut when I see you name

All those hours locked outside in your revolting game

Nothing would’ve happened if you just walked away

But you keep coming back though I’ve told you not to stay

You didn’t do your part at all when I asked you to

Their cruel hearts corrupted yours, it never has been you

I feel your lingering presence even since we’ve been through

And my heart aches, my smile’s fake, when you’ve found something new

Each day’s a tidal wave when I speak to you

My friends agree it’s better for me when our words are few

But you ever stick around and haunt me like a ghost

But even since I cut you off, I still love you most

You used to claim me as your own, kept me away from them

But your protection went so far I wasn’t allowed a friend

I thought it fine ‘till I found out you were the same with her

That’s when I saw, at last, for you, our love wasn't all that pure


Each day’s a tidal wave when I speak to you

My friends agree it’s better for me when our words are few

But you ever stick around and haunt me like a ghost

But even since I cut you off, I still love you most

By the end you were picking fights, spreading lies with your hazel eyes

Fighting everything I said, messed with my head, filled me with dread

You were both jury and judge, got so sick of your selfish love

Now here I sing

Of that hate you bring

And that love that will always sting

Each day’s a tidal wave when I speak to you

My friends agree it’s better when our words are few

But you ever stick around and haunt me like a ghost

But someday I’ll be better off and I won’t love you most

No, I won’t love you most

The author's comments:

This is about a really bad relationship I was in. I was used by her, but I have moved on, now.

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