The Tale of Lily Pryde | Teen Ink

The Tale of Lily Pryde

April 22, 2024
By Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
21 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It's time to do it now and do it loud." - Dr. Death-Defying

This song tells the tale of a girl called Lily Pryde

She lived inside a town where a tavern did reside

Every night she sang away, happy, honest, proud

Se let me spin this tale, while Lily sings aloud


It was one rainy morning when our good Lily Pryde met him

Tall with striking eyes, darkened curls, and perfect skin

She stopped her puddle splashing when he up and came along

Was quite shocked when he smiled and asked her for a song

So she sang with the rain and birds, rocks and fields and trees

She showed him what roguish girls like her could really be

She gave it her all and when the song was done

He offered her his hand, but she thought to turn and run

About a week had passed when their paths would cross again

Good Lily Pryde thought he’d make a fine new friend

When he offered her his hand a second time, she said

“Every boy who’s held this hand has surely wound up dead”

He spoiled her and gave her everything a girl could want

But when night fell she only returned a vicious taunt

For Lily Pryde knew deep inside that he wasn’t one to trust

But she let him take her anyways, to this new life she’d adjust

She soon found this striking boy was not so poor as she

He lived way on the outskirts in a mansion by the sea

Weeks passed by as they held each other close and for a while

Lily Pryde thought all she would ever do is smile

But not all stories end in beauty, fairy tales, and rhymes

For the dark haired boy knew she was his after all this time

And he deduced that he had found what his money could not buy

A girl like her was second to the stars in the sky

He dressed her up in silk maroon and gold and silver lies

He made her take the stage and soon suspicions would arise

“Who’s that girl that he’s been with?” “Her name is Lily Pryde.”

After all her songs were done, he took her for his bride

Her smile faded day by day as he made her up like him

Tightening the reins on her, her patience wearing thin

She knew he’d hunt her down should she again decide to run

So she turned her heart to steel and cared only for their son

Years went by, good Lily Pryde knew she’d had enough

She slipped away into the night, calling off his bluff

She ran away, so far, they say, that she was never found

But if you ask that boy of hers, she’s six feet underground

So in the end, a charming friend can only be just that

Making someone into gold will end you both up flat

And as for our good Lily Pryde, vanished like a dove

Well, money only goes so far and cannot buy you love

Money only goes so far and cannot buy you love

The author's comments:

This is part of a musical concept I came up with, about Lily Pryde. The verses would be sung by the Tale Spinner throughout the show, bringing up the same theme as a through line.

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