Haikus About Stuff | Teen Ink

Haikus About Stuff

April 6, 2016
By maisieI SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
maisieI SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

mournfully rusting
she worships the bestial
dryly, cynical

crooked nymphs sing songs
Neptune caresses the shore
crafty sailors hum

glumly, she slips on
her evening gown and shoes
polished hand trembles

desperate black doubt
reciprocate insolence
grimly, passion slips

the morning paper
intimate pianist seeks
disheveled angel

crooked fingers tease
harvests blowing pumpkins scream
poltergeists shiver

an abattoir dream
sleeping between Versailles sheets
you’ll find no refuge

moths enticed by smoke
drawn to a dying star’s light
painted on canvas

secrets to keep safe
just between shoes, dust, and friends
they need more closet space

beware fair maidens
the touch is eternal bliss
stay in your towers

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