trust, chains and prison | Teen Ink

trust, chains and prison

October 8, 2015
By jazzy_tazzy BRONZE, Sydney, Other
jazzy_tazzy BRONZE, Sydney, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                          When the world falls down

                           Humanity picks it back up

                             Everything will change


                              If we break our trust

                             Like we break our love

                              All darkness will claim

The author's comments:

Trust is the thing that holds us together, makes us stong, makes us human. But the people who find the darkness are doomed to be in there, money and greed should be the last thing we should on our money. so give to the people that haven't got not the ones that have. But not everyone with money means they don't care some give more to others than them selves and those are the people should look up, those are the people that you dont need 20 cars (would be nice thou) to live. So give your self a block of chocalate than a block of land that would be used as some pollution factory than a school.

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