City of Wax and Steel | Teen Ink

City of Wax and Steel

May 16, 2014
By PoetBeyondTheWall SILVER, Oakhurst, New Jersey
PoetBeyondTheWall SILVER, Oakhurst, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ice cold drops of steel
Descend from dismal gray clouds
Soaking into dirt

Bright silver puddles
Line the empty roads of towns
Where people would dream

Rows of lifeless homes
Open doors and broken glass
A world lost to time

Through crumbled doorways
Passing by the rotting halls
A lone candle sits

Streams of wax frozen
Bound to the nightstand by time
Shackled by its fate

When our life runs out
We will slowly melt away
On the silver streets

The author's comments:
A dark view on our end and the lives that have come before us. Our cities are built where others have fallen and crumbled. One day, our cities will fall too, as will the ones that come after us.

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