2 Haikus in 1- The Eyes in the Wind | Teen Ink

2 Haikus in 1- The Eyes in the Wind

February 27, 2014
By Sweetb15 BRONZE, Budd Lake, New Jersey
Sweetb15 BRONZE, Budd Lake, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Up in the High winds
Never have I seen them there
Can they come back down?

Throbbing at my heart
Suddenly making them clear
Now noticeable

Never in one shape
Joy, fantasy and much more
Is what their made off

No blocking is allowed
As it makes its appearance
As the handicapped

Bright sun and green lands
Smiles light up our new faces
Ready for some fun

Boom, Crash, Broom, Crash Scream
Eyes fall on me at their will
dark stares, wicked grins

Never Let it stop
Can these things please become real
Can I have my Dreams?

Please I’m Terrified
Make them stop, Please make them stop!
Nightmares go away!

The author's comments:
this is again another one of my 2 Haikus in 1 poem.

this time the odd is dream while even is nightmare

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