The Prom with some Oz | Teen Ink

The Prom with some Oz

February 20, 2014
By Sweetb15 BRONZE, Budd Lake, New Jersey
Sweetb15 BRONZE, Budd Lake, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On this fine evening
One to say was a big hit
The girl came to be.

Whoosh, whoosh here it comes.
Tiny people wait below
As the legend landed.

She walked with her date
A night no one forgets
The pain brought to all.

Woof woof said the dog
The tiny people shall see
Ruby slippers click.

Deco fills the room
People dance with their new dates
Let the show begin

They cheered as they saw
Their old torturer has died
Her new challenge starts

As her night goes on
She fulfils her deepest wish
Now her name was called.

Her journey goes on
New friends are now discovered
Time to face the wish

Blood! Blood! Not again!
Their laughter pains at her mind
Her breaking point comes

She flies in the sky
The monkeys swarm her new friends
When can they save her!

The doors newly shut
The crowd with their voices hushed
Watch as the girl snaps

She lands with a thud
A witch’s laugh now booms out
Can the girl now win?

Screams are heard outside
Bodies scattered on the ground
The rage fill the air

Ah ah im melting!
The girl runs as the witch dies
Outside her friends wait

She holds her mom tight
Crumble, snap her house collapse
Here lies Carrie White.

In her top balloon
They wave up to her shouting
Goodbye, Dorothy

The author's comments:
so this is two haikus put into one, each one is about a happy classical and the other is a Horror classic. so it goes one so the odd numbers are the horror, the even is happy...

please enjoy

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