The Lifelong Accomplishment | Teen Ink

The Lifelong Accomplishment

October 12, 2013
By ally BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
ally BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once a man asked me,
“What do you think your greatest
Accomplishment is?”

I pondered, I thought
I racked my brain for some act
Any deed at all

Some grand endeavor,
I had once done which altered
Mine and others’ lives

All my thoughts led to
Dead ends; I left believing
I was a failure

When suddenly an
Epiphany struck as I
Gained insight to life

Life, itself, does not
Require one to possess
One accomplishment

Life, itself, does not
Want someone to only have
one single triumph

Rather, life wants each
To achieve many mini
Deeds every day

Whether one’s trifle
Triumphs regard school or home
Is unimportant

What matters most is
What one makes of his or her
Life in the long run

Conquering mini
Triumphs and downfalls each day
Are accomplishments

In fact, they are great
Successes which mold humans
Into their true selves

Later, I returned
To the questioning person
To give my answer

I said, I explained,
“My greatest accomplishment
Is not a past deed

My accomplishments
Are daily occurrences,
Miniscule snip-its

None of which altered
My life nor other’s lives from
That single point on

Rather, I have changed
Mine and other’s lives over
The course of my own

And this, Sir, is an
On-going accomplishment
One lasting ‘til death.”

The quizzical man
Stared, trying to wrap his mind
Around what I spoke

He gave a slight nod
And with a handshake replied,
“Best answer I’ve heard.”

Not just one aspect
One’s overall life should be
The accomplishment

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