My Sleekest Rectangle | Teen Ink

My Sleekest Rectangle

May 25, 2018
By Anonymous

The iphone icloud has changed my life
It's watched me grow up
make and lose friends

It's observed my mannerisms and vocabulary
predicting what I want to say
before I even know

Whenever I get lost or i'm alone
I count on my phone to get me home

It's helped me show off to strangers
how much I floss in my new pair of shoes
I know what's going on
all throughout  the world
our endless discussions long into the night
I tell it all my problems
it tells me all it's solutions

I’ll never know how my parents
made it through life without this technology
not knowing everything going on
in every point in time
all around the globe, not asking others for help

One thing I don't like: my phone likes to gossip
be in everyone's business
Sometimes I get pulled into drama
my phone’s so nosey
I love my phone
I'm thankful for everything it does for me

The author's comments:

I think kids rely on technology too much

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