Bronco Tradition | Teen Ink

Bronco Tradition

May 16, 2018
By Anonymous

A1- Missing the friday night lights
B- The best memories I ever had with my brothers
A2- Seeing the huge student section in my sight

A- Coaches screaming from the sideline
B- Student section all wearing the same colors
A1- Missing the friday night lights

A- Going up for every ball like it’s mine
B- Treating every game like it’s any other
A2- Seeing the huge student section in my sight

A- The bright lights shine
B- I do it all for my mother
A1- Missing the friday night lights

A- My coach is giving me the sign
B- We kept making memories one game after another
A2- Seeing the huge student section in my sight

A- Even when we lost we were fine
B- Barrington football is the best ever
A1- Missing the friday night lights
A2- Seeing the huge student section in my sight

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