The People I love | Teen Ink

The People I love

May 2, 2018
By MollyRose BRONZE, Yakima, Washington
MollyRose BRONZE, Yakima, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Am I the only one wishing life away? never caught up in the moment, busy begging the past to stay. <br /> <br /> -Dodie Clark

The people I love the best
try to put magic in their lives
forcing miracles to happen,
even if it's a simple as a napkin
disappearing a spoon from sight.
They become master craftsmen
out of sheer force of will
without having the skill

I love people who can create feasts
from a box of mac and cheese.
who create the impossible
with seemingly no effort.
Who pretend I can't see,
how tired they must be.

The work of the world is full of magic
slowly, it leaks through, with small miracles
In its path.
Extra cupcakes and a spare five bucks
don’t show that we care
but are the carriers of magic
from the people I love.

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