Journey Across Nature | Teen Ink

Journey Across Nature

March 2, 2018
By RiyaY SILVER, Austin, Texas
RiyaY SILVER, Austin, Texas
5 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don&#039;t do anything about it.&quot;<br /> - Albert Einstien

The grass tickles my silk cocoa coating of skin,
Making me jump.
Its long, sharp greenery slices through my bare feet.
Not noticing at all.
Dew pushes off from the luscious grass,
Plopping onto my slender toes.
Feeling ice cold, but also very pleasant.
I know that the bottoms of my soles are swaying soflty in the sea of grass.
Taking a step forward,
Feeling the hard Earth floor beneath me.
Then I suddenly black out.

I find my self lying in my bed,
Waking up to the soft breeze of the wind kissing my cheek.
A little bird sweeps through my room,
Welcoming me to this new day.
My toes touch the plush carpet
As my tangled hair along with my emerald eyes
Observe the vivid colors,
Putting on a show outside my window.
The skys soft colors will remain flashing in my dull heart.
Along with the dazzling fall colors,
Warming up my heart
When I feel numb.

Pass by and my heart has been dying.
The world around me is shriveling,
Falling apart,
To the harsh winter breeze.
Too scared to go outside.
Can’t see...
Or smell anything,
Other then hearing my obsidian heart thumping aganist my chest.
I want to hide in a dark closet away from what is outside,
But I don’t.
My bare feet glide across towards the door
Experiencing a gust of wind.
I shudder for a moment
Then step onto the snow that surrounds me.

The ground crunches under my rubber boots.
My eyes wander into the miles of milky sand.
Ever so perfect and icy, I touch the pearly white snow.
My fingers retreat, as they feel the mushy lump
Which is ice cold.
And yet,
I stand there staring off
Thinking of how winter can still be so elegant.
Leaving my tracks in the ground
I turn to go home,
But right then the wind spreads through my house.

Looking around in fear
I see everything disapper.
Flowers were being plucked and blown away.
Leaves twirl,
Dying towards the damaged soil.
Pain shoots through me as I grip for the hollow tree.
I, myself
Was being blown away from me.
From my home,
From the world,
But left with my flesh dripping out.
The wind pounds onto me,
Hard for me to rise.
My heart, my bones, everything gone...
Except for my dark bruises.
The pain dosen’t blast away, but is pinned to me.
Everything around me is dying.
My is heart turning stone cold,
As I crunch in agony.

The sun burns my body and my bones ache. 
I look around and see that I am alive,
Returning to the grassy meadow.
It eagerly leans in,
Waiting for me to run around in and shout blissfully.
The tall grass sways softly against the winds gentle breeze of hot summer air.
Flowers bloom in excitement to see me and dance around
Welcoming me.

My home….
It’s this….
And I will forever treasure it in my heart
Where I can feel its pulse energize my body.

This is my
Journey Across Nature,
And that’s what keeps me alive.

The author's comments:

I love nature if you don't know that already from one of my other poems, but this poem is quite different. I adore all the seasons and each one I have a special connection with. This describes what I think of each season and how the transition of leaving one to another feels like.

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