Danse Prairie | Teen Ink

Danse Prairie MAG

March 2, 2018
By RiyaY SILVER, Austin, Texas
RiyaY SILVER, Austin, Texas
5 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don&#039;t do anything about it.&quot;<br /> - Albert Einstien

Grass tickles my silk cocoa coating of skin,
Making me jump.
Long, sharp blades of greenery slice
through my bare feet;
Cutting through my sorrows, finding myself
in a new home.
Dew pushes off from the luscious grass,
Plopping onto my slender toes.
I take a step back,
Feeling the hard Earth floor dissolve me.
The bottoms of my soles sway softly
in the sea of jade,
Twirling me around like the wispy breeze.
A deep sunset stretches beyond
the towering hills,
Gliding me across the valley of my dreams.
Crisp air fills my lungs,
Awakening me from the dark.
Flowers bloom in excitement,
Casting their mesmerizing aroma toward me.
All obsidian colors vanish,
Leaving those only full of hope.
And when the sky illuminates full of life,
I know this is the Danse Prairie,
my Dancing Meadow

The author's comments:

Nature is something that always inspires and it's what calms me down. It took me a great amount of deal to write a poem that shows my point of view of why nature is a true gem. I can use soooooo many words to descirbe nature but this poem says it all. It is my home away from home. 

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