Escape | Teen Ink


February 11, 2018
By HannahBeveridge BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
HannahBeveridge BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A good book can be an escape
A good book can be a ‘pick me up’
when you fall down
A good book is like finding money in unexpected places
A good book is like laughing so hard it hurts
A good book is like listening to a thunderstorm
but knowing you’re safe inside
But a good book isn’t always that happy feeling
A good book can make you question how the world works
A good book can make you want to change something for the better
A good book is like watching a fire burn down valuables as if
they were already were ash
A good book is important but it’s only good
If it leaves the reader
wanting more

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