Picket Fences | Teen Ink

Picket Fences

June 26, 2017
By awellreadathlete BRONZE, Hallsville, Texas
awellreadathlete BRONZE, Hallsville, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire. -Ferdinand Foch

White picket fences, white picket fences.
All the ladies wish for a house enclosed by white picket fences.
But have not I noticed that my family is bound by fencing of a different hue?
Neither white, nor green, nor blue.

We live surrounded by a fence colored brown
and it is indeed no need to frown.

Together we are a goofy bunch who keep each other entertained,
and copious troubles do we obtain.
Likewise, we learn from our mistakes,
as many as it takes.
Oh how boring my life would be without them.

White picket fences, white picket fences.
How unsuited my family is for the white picket fences.
For they stain too easily and tend to fall down;
not near as sturdy as the brown.

Brown picket fences, brown picket fences.
There is much more room for laughter behind our
brown picket fences.

The author's comments:

I live on a farm on the outskirts of a suburban town. My family is definitely flawed but I believe we're better for it. 

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