The Dance | Teen Ink

The Dance

May 25, 2017
By AlliH BRONZE, North Royalton, Ohio
AlliH BRONZE, North Royalton, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When we dance I would feel
free among the birds flying
high in the air soaring
higher, spinning, sometimes slipping
on the slick floor and he would catch
me in his arms, softly laughing
at me, calling me silly
though I wasn’t trying to be funny
he loved me anyway, echoing in
my ears, soul, and in his heart
where I would hear the rhythm  
sync up with the music that pushed
us, or caressed us, healing
the black wounds, absence whose solitude
was a stinging bee on my
heart, and now, I dance on the ballroom floor
and feel the presence of love
I know for sure is there.

The author's comments:

A true story about me and my dance partner in show choir. We had a duet feature in our show and I slipped and almost fell but he caught me. I intended for this to be a humorous poem, but it turned into a love poem. Whoops.

This poem is intended to be read in one breath, as it is only one sentence. I tried to capture the speed at which this moment occurred.

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