Metal in my Bones | Teen Ink

Metal in my Bones

May 23, 2017
By Autumn15 BRONZE, Earth, California
Autumn15 BRONZE, Earth, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have metal
Sewn into my bones
Just beneath my skin
Invisible to sight
But run your fingers up my spine
And you’ll see every screw

Two rods
Twenty-one screws
Tailbone to throat
All to hold me straight
Make me stand up tall

They said it would hurt
That it would hurt a lot
But that was better than letting it progress
Of course I didn’t believe them
I was strong
I was tough
Tears never came easy
And I doubted they would for this

I was strong
I was tough
But that didn’t matter all that much
Six days
Seven nights
Laying in a bed with a control panel on the side
And a button for asistance
Riding a morphine hurricane
Barely awake enough to watch tv

I’m better now
Much better than I was
No more hospital
No more drugs
No more pain
Just me
And the metal in my bones

The author's comments:

This is a poem I wrote about the spinal fusion surgery I had earlier in the year to correct the curvature in my spine. It was a very traumatic experience and I wrote this as a way to see how far I've come

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