Change | Teen Ink


May 16, 2017
By Heather03 SILVER, Conway, South Carolina
Heather03 SILVER, Conway, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 10 comments

I was a child with no hope
I remember trying to give up because there was no purpose in me living
I heard that my mother could not stop taking the drugs, she was becoming suicidal 
I saw my mom take a beating she thought she deserved after disappointing my step father 
I worried that life for me was not going to be that great
I thought I would be just like my mom, too high on pills to acknowledge the wrong things in our lives
But, I want to change.
I am strong
I think the past only makes a person strive to have a better future
I need to show my family that I will not be like them
I try surrounding myself with those who are positive
I feel motivated
I forgive my parents for always making the wrong choices
Now I can change.
I will be someone to go to when a person is seeking help
I choose to be more focused on the future
I dream of showing my family that their actions do not define who I am
I hope to make a change
I predict I will make myself proud and help others
I know I will be the break in the chain of this family
I will change.

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