"Where I'm From" | Teen Ink

"Where I'm From"

March 2, 2017
By Kimmykd SILVER, Salem, Missouri
Kimmykd SILVER, Salem, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from playing
Barbies, softball, and cards.

I’m from experiencing
the great journey
of riding bikes and four wheelers
down gravel roads.

I’m from jamming
with Conway Twitty
and admiring Rod Stewart
and Patrick Swazi.

I’m from devouring
Chico sticks and long jolly ranchers,
and saying “Gag me with a spoon!”

I’m from relaxing
The Waltons
and reading The Outsiders
and Danny and the Dinosaur.

All these things
still exist today,
but I have a feeling
that they are not
quite the same.

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