Untitled | Teen Ink


January 8, 2017
By Anonymous

I do it for the ones
Lost somewhere between home and the corner store.

Trayvon Martin

Aiyana Jones

There was a half- sung hymn in their hearts,
and something holier in their skin,
but I forgot how easy it is to find
Heaven at the front end of a shotgun

Tamil Rice

Emmett Till

I've always been more Martin than Malcolm,
But when bullets fall like rain
I forget what my mother said about forgiveness and fall for fate's age old lie.
The one that gives martyrs a reason to die

Renisha McBride

Michael Brown

So I'll sing their names
At every street corner and school yard.
With a people looking for salvation
And a way home.

To my brothers and sisters lost in the hate,
I won't forget you 

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