Freeze The Water Over, Please. | Teen Ink

Freeze The Water Over, Please.

January 11, 2017
By Cayleigh_H GOLD, New Hyde Park, New York
Cayleigh_H GOLD, New Hyde Park, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beyond all the ideas of right and wrong there is a field I will be meeting you there.~ Rumi

I was blossomed from thorns and brush to grow from ashes of the dead as my food and decay as my home.
The meteor that hits my heart everyday resides deeper and deeper until there is no more but an empty cavity of a human lifeform beyond it’s natural state.
To torment and despair life is born along the mistakes of early kicks to new feet.
Spasms of love and vanquished in fear I live in a house of crushed veneer.

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