Lighters | Teen Ink


December 27, 2016
By Anonymous

In that moment
It was like fire
Flames burned through you
And you evolved
Like a phoenix

But for some of us
The lighter fluid ran cold
And we contemplated suicide
When they stopped lighting their cigarettes

Stepped on like cigarette butts
We were nothing more
Than roadkill
For depression was just us looking for attention

Let us tell you our story
A story of honesty
Of the lost ones
Who couldn't hold on

They couldn't hold on
Because there was nothing to grasp
There was no shoulder to cry on
Alone and scared
That's all they could have been

Instead of turning to you
They turned to blades
They turned to scars
They turned to heaven and hell

When you look in the mirror
Do you like what you see?
Put yourself in the shoes of another
And see the monster staring back at you

They're haunted by their own ghosts
Trapped with their own insanity
A wonderland with no wonder
Imagine being madder than the hatter

Is it still asking for attention?

Because we can hear the red queen
Yelling in our minds
"Off with your head."

And off our heads go.

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