Power | Teen Ink


December 12, 2016
By corinnt BRONZE, Alamogordo, New Mexico
corinnt BRONZE, Alamogordo, New Mexico
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Give me your worry
It doesn’t belong to you.
Happiness and joy belong in your presence
Remember that when
You look in the mirror.

Don’t give in to the voices
Give in to the peace.
Know your worth
And higher your standards.

Your mind is cruel
Much like a lion to his prey.
Don’t let it be that way.

You’re like the color grey
Divine, but dark.
Force yourself to be brighter than that.

Keep your sanity
And calm your soul.
Be the peace you wish to see.
You are worth more
Than the world you live in.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece by seeing the pain this world holds. We push ourselves in the most harsh way and we see nothing but worry. I want people to get hope from this. I want them to see the light within themselves. We give in so easily to voices that define who we are. But we need to give in to the peace that overwhelmes the soul. Once we give in to the peace, hand over the worry that does not belong to us, and calm our soul, we will become what this world needs.

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