Groceries | Teen Ink


December 12, 2016
By rachelh1 BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
rachelh1 BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Blindness awaits in the store
For those ignoring the bloody slaughter
That goes behind closed doors

Angry dwarves with shiny suits
Manipulate brains and thoughts
To make minds dilute
So that the eyes may shut to the murder of those they eat

Go to the aisles
Pick up freshly packed flesh paired with a raw slice of ignorance
But pick up leafy green vegetables labeled with the place of understanding

Everyone has nurtured before
Giving life to young plantings
We pluck juicy tomatoes off their stems
And rip into the flesh of its red meat

But leaving the store, bags in hand with purchases of rotting tissue
They simply ignore the horrors
Of the billions they take for granted
For when the knife is placed in their hands
Will they be willing to take that life?

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