A story | Teen Ink

A story

November 15, 2016
By crystalvankeuren SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
crystalvankeuren SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We have a story.
An  unfinished story 
A long one that's true. One that time can't compare to the length it is and will always be.
Yeah a good one
A brilliant one where life was complicated
but seems  so distant 
Yes it will last
Repeat itself like a record stuck on replay.
That's all it is nothing more.
This is us
As time continues this story will be ongoing as our paths cross and we meet again 
This story
It is about what we have been
or are going to be.
It is just a  friendship that has  overplayed like a song on the radio.


The author's comments:

i have this freind who we used to be a thing but  distance and time kinda tore us apart but our freindship is continuing to go on  reapeating everything that we have had or are on the verge of happening. 

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