winter | Teen Ink


October 28, 2016
By thefatrabbit BRONZE, Providence , Rhode Island
thefatrabbit BRONZE, Providence , Rhode Island
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I am beyonce, always.<br /> -micheal scott, the office

Blank, white, bleak
Cold, harsh, and unforgiving
Frozen, jarring, and potentially fatal
Some view it this way,
This is only one aspect
Winter can mean hearth, home
People come home in the winter, to families who
Have been waiting
Winter is a time where we appreciate warmth
And suddenly,

The snow doesn’t seem so harsh
The wind,
Not so cold,
The sky,
It isn’t blank anymore,
And your perspective on this white season
Has changed
And the beauty of winter has
Made all the seasons shine in their own ways

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