Broken-Hearted | Teen Ink


October 25, 2016
By Uhhlyssaxox BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Uhhlyssaxox BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are a lot of awful things in this world.

Life is generously given, then brutally taken from us without warning.

All that's left is an empty shell of grief and pain.

Some of our most beautiful moments are far outweighed by the grotesque memories of our fears.

Do we really forgive and forget?

How can we forget those things that left us crying so hard in our beds at night that there weren't any tears left to be shed?

Forgiveness can be a treacherous word.

Sometimes the people we trust, break us completely.

But we still see past this and forgive them, even when it severs the tiny thread of hope that we have left.

Our own anguish can betray us.

We live in our own misery, trying deleteriously to mend our hearts, yet we're too blind to see that we are only putting salt in the wound.

Until it's too late.

Until we are beyond fixing.

Until we are,

Hollow casings of what used to be.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece over a few things that were going on in my personal life. Whenever I feel a strong emotion, I like to write and get it all out.

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