Cinematic Appreciation | Teen Ink

Cinematic Appreciation

October 24, 2016
By CodyGehrig BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
CodyGehrig BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sit in a red padded chair
Then the projector flicker to life
And I am no longer there

Suddenly I’m in a world of wizards and magic
Or in a war, realistic and tragic
No longer am I in a chair scented with buttery snacks
But the witness of a brutal and horrifying attack
Maybe I’m in a jungle full of apes
Or maybe I’m surrounded by heros dawned in capes.

But how do I get sent to these places?
Thousands of names, you forget have faces.
The names in the credits quickly scrolling past,
That's how these adventures are able to last.
So the next time you’re watching a film with your friends,
Take a minute to think after it ends.
Please stop and give credit
To the people who edit,
to take us on these life-changing journeys.

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