She who knows not | Teen Ink

She who knows not

October 16, 2016
By NewbornLeader BRONZE, Ontario, Other
NewbornLeader BRONZE, Ontario, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Living with mystery and curiousity

Wandering off into jungles and rainforests

Playing hide and seek

No responsibility, just me and my books


I ponder at words

Wander into classrooms

Lose consciousness

I'm shocked that I'm still alive


Golden years, they said

Flying from the cage

Free from protests and shouts of anger

I had no idea of what awaited me

The destination is not what it was meant to be

The author's comments:

??I have been awaiting my whole life for the upcoming year, and I'm anticipating that it should be good when I don't really know. What I hope others will take from this is that sometimes you go through horrible and good stuff and don't know what you're future is going to be like, but I'd like them to remember that the future isn't to prepare you for the past but the past has prepared you for the future.

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