Self-Realization | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By joy.johnson BRONZE, Zachary, Louisiana
joy.johnson BRONZE, Zachary, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She tried
That’s all she ever did
Whether it was for the attention of her mother
Who was blinded by infatuation for her lover
Or if it was for her father’s
Who desired materialistic things
But couldn’t even provide for his daughters

Either way, it was never for herself
Ever since she was a child
She just wanted to please everyone else

But as she grew older,
She came to realize
That nobody really cared
About all of her accomplishments and awards
She was just a prized possession
For her “owners” to flaunt to the world
And take all of her credit to redeem themselves
For all of their mistakes and flaws
They used her success to remove it all

She now understands that
nobody supports her like she supports herself
She came into this world alone
And that’s how it will be left.

The author's comments:

We were required to write a false epitaph about ourselves in class and when I shared it with my friends and family, they reacted positively to it. This is my outlook on life.

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