Take Her Swimming On the First Date | Teen Ink

Take Her Swimming On the First Date

May 5, 2016
By nelzonat BRONZE, Fox River Grove, Illinois
nelzonat BRONZE, Fox River Grove, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You’re only wearing makeup to impress us boys”
As if I’d spend $30 on mascara
for some random guy to think I’m pretty.
I wear it for myself.

“Makeup is deceiving”
If you believe that my eyelids are naturally turquoise
and sparkly, that is your problem, not mine.
I wear it for myself.

“You look better without makeup”
I respect your opinions about natural beauty.
However, I still do not care
I wear it for myself.

“Don’t you think it’s a little much?”
There are no rules as to what
I can and cannot put on my face.
I wear it for myself.

“You look kind of fake”
Well, I am still a fully functioning human.
Trust me, I am real.
I wear it for myself.

“It’s not fair that guys can’t wear makeup”
Where does it say that? Do not
blame me for your fragile masculinity.
I wear it for myself.

“Take her swimming on the first date”
Joke’s on you, I couldn’t care less if my mascara
runs down my cheeks.
After all, I am not wearing it for you.

The author's comments:

This is more of a rant-poem. There are lots of people (both guys and girls) that are bothered by people wearing makeup for some reason. As someone who has had all of these things said to me before, it’s very annoying and rude. I wish everyone would just respect each other’s personal choices, but unfortunately, that is not reality.

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