Love For The Pack | Teen Ink

Love For The Pack

April 26, 2016
By Wolv3sAr3Lif3 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Wolv3sAr3Lif3 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trotting along on the path known better than no other, chills are felt down the spine.
The feeling is so unfamiliar it causes the area itself to lose its recognition.
Unable to move anymore, the wolf fears that control is lost.

Suddenly; stop.

The moon disappears, much of what kept back the darkness has receded.
Deep down, the creature that loved the night realized that it didn’t love the dark.
Fear causes paralysis to some, a stronger fear may sometimes overcome that paralysis.

Out of anything to release the muscles from their petrified state, it was a sound.
The sound brought out an emotion too strong for anything to stop it.
The yelp of a young pup, the wolf’s very own.

Suddenly; run.

The light paws created immense sound upon breaking through the branches and iced over puddles.
A new threat causes the emergence of new strengths.
She would use this strength.

The author's comments:

Wolves are amazing.

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