Body Shaming | Teen Ink

Body Shaming

April 22, 2016
By ashleyjah BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
ashleyjah BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to talk about the the girl who is barely over 100 pounds
Only gaining a few pounds every year
While she sits and listens to her friends complain
About how they’ve gained weight just from eating McDonald’s

She gets mistaken for being anorexic
When in reality she constantly eats
Sometimes not being able to finish a meal
Because of having a small appetite
Then gets hungry within the next hour

Being told constantly
That she’s too bony
Needs to eat more
That other girls wish they had her body

I want to talk about body shaming
People saying that “real men want meat, not bones”
When in reality real men
Should really not care about how much a girl weighs

I want to talk about how society needs to stop assuming things
That just because a girl is a size zero
Doesn’t automatically mean she starved herself to get there
And that no matter what weight you are
Men should love you for you
No matter if you’re 100 or 300 pounds

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