Just Another Crush | Teen Ink

Just Another Crush

April 22, 2016
By ashleyjah BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
ashleyjah BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Those eyes
How I could stare into them all day
Feeling like I’m drowning in blue oceans

Your hair perfectly swept
Looking oh so soft
Wanting to run my fingers through it

When I tell you something
Or show you a stupid yet funny picture
Seeing your smile and hearing your laugh
Makes me wish that some moments
Could last forever

I always do my best to be there for you
I want you to know that I care
Yet when it comes to problems
I’m not the answer to look for

I constantly think of you
Wishing just to be yours
Not knowing if you feel the same

Never had I felt this deep towards someone
And have became so close

But that was then
Now I don’t think of you
I don’t get excited when I see you in the halls
Or purposely walk around hoping to run into you

When I wake up the only thing that comes to mind
Is the thought of wanting to go back to sleep
Instead of looking at my phone
Hoping you texted me

I thought I would be hard for me
To push these feelings away
Because I knew you didn’t feel the same way
Especially when you told me about her

It’s just crazy to think
About that day
How it all started
Not knowing how far this would’ve gone

But now I realize
It’s just another
stupid crush

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