Translucent Screens | Teen Ink

Translucent Screens

April 8, 2016
By PoetryLover14 BRONZE, Indianapolis , Indiana
PoetryLover14 BRONZE, Indianapolis , Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People cry not because they're weak, but because they've been strong for too long."

These translucent screens secret us. Keeps us from experiencing the feeling beyond. Teased with the sight but stripped of the truth of touched, our holy unfarity. The light poured on these screens blind us from the truth of what these screens contain. The wires, the roots, the charges none of which we desire. Our desire is to feel. Feel one another in matrimony and delight. The feel of another’s presence then to sense through these translucent screens is life. A life in which sadly no one has awakened to. For these translucent Screens lay a deepened curse on us each day. That dull our minds like dolls. When will the world open to the truth. Behind these translucent Screens.

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