Into the Eye of a Spartan | Teen Ink

Into the Eye of a Spartan

March 17, 2016
By cshanno199 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
cshanno199 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brought before the Spartan council,

examined as an infant.
Finding the finest soldiers,
too young to understand.

Taken away at seven,
trained in combat.
Stealing food to survive,
scared of what's to come.

Standing with comrades,
he swiftly straps on armor.
As he has done many times before,
confident in the victory ahead.

Armies charge toward each other,
with a sword and shield brings down 30 men.
Pushing on forward through the enemy,
excited with victory almost in hand.

A sharp pain felt as he fights,
he falls to the ground in disbelief.
As he watches the fight from a distance,
he takes his last breath.

A hole dug into the battlefield,
lowering the spartan down.
A tombstone placed,
cry as they mourn the loss of a friend.

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