The Real American Dream | Teen Ink

The Real American Dream

March 23, 2016
By Maxwellw BRONZE, Pine Brook, New Jersey
Maxwellw BRONZE, Pine Brook, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine if needless hatred was abolished
Imagine if needed charity was everywhere
Where everyone loves and is loved
Where no one doesn’t love each other
Where all can taste freedom together 
Where no one feels more free than another
Imagine that world

Imagine if everyone was as rich as a Trump  
Imagine a world where no person was as poor as a New Jersey housewife
Where every important desire could be granted
Where no material wish would not be granted
Where every limit can be surpassed
Where no limited background will limit your potential
Imagine this world

Imagine if everyone just got along
Imagine a world like that
Imagine if everyone was truly equal
Imagine a world like this
Imagine world where you could discover happiness in the simplest of places
Imagine if that world world was this world was an American world 

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