Bully Me No More | Teen Ink

Bully Me No More

March 9, 2016
By DrewAnne BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
DrewAnne BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To be called a w****
To be called ugly
To be called fat
To be called a tramp
All these things toward me
You will bully me no more
But still you bully me more

To be told my family would be better off
Better off without a liability like me
To be spit on because they felt like it
To degrade my family to get to me
To be called every name in the book
All these things toward me
You will bully me no more
But still you bully me more

To be called a b****
To be called a retard
To be called a liability for my family
To be called a mistake of creation
to be called a disgrace to the human race
All these things toward me
You will bully me no more
But still you bully me more

To be told I look like trash
To have trash thrown at me
To be told to go back in a dumpster
To be told I’m no good for anything
To be made fun of until I break down
All these things toward me
You will bully me no more
And you bully me no more

Do you wonder why it all stopped?
Ask my friends and my and my neighbor
For they will tell you why it stopped
They all told the truth for how they feel
They took a stand against them when they said
“All these things toward her,
You will bully her no more”
And they bully me no more

The author's comments:

I was Severely Bullied in school and this is telling my story

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