The Bombs | Teen Ink

The Bombs

March 4, 2016
By chaseV BRONZE, Cannon Fall, Minnesota
chaseV BRONZE, Cannon Fall, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ringing in my ear as as i stand up like a newborn calf, weak but with a purpose.
I hear shouting and something constantly beating loudly.
As i look to the left i see fire blazing like a dancing ballerina swirling and jumping.

Then i feel something flowing down my arms like a small river.
I look to see a crimson color as thick as syrup.
I wonder whats going on, then two large flashes from a distance,
No it’s too late. I rush back to my home to see shadows of friends and family on the ground. The only sound i hear is silence.
No birds chirping no people in the market.
It is as silent as a corpse in a coffin.

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