Sins of the Mind | Teen Ink

Sins of the Mind

March 9, 2016
By DrewAnne BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
DrewAnne BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you wanna play
I have toys in my closet
We can have fun all day
Just don’t go near my faucet

If you do
I’ll have to cry
Then count to two
And then you’ll die

First I’ll get the rope
Then I’ll get a knife
I’ll have to clean with soap
After I take your life

“My toe! My toe!” You’ll scream
When I chop it off real hard
Later to find out it was all a dream
You Probably shouldn’t’ve read that creepy old card

But when you wake
your hands are tied
I guess it wasn’t so fake
“Help me!” You then cried

she then comes into the room
A knife in hand ready to go
She then screams as she holds a fresh wound
Then falls to the ground as her blood does flow

The police barge in
Guns in hand
And set you free from her sin
helped you up so you could stand

Later she was tried
for the sins of her mind
For her crimes she has died
Because she wasn’t so kind

Or is it true
For she may not be a she
That person could  be you
Or that person could even be me

The author's comments:

It was something that came to me in 8th grade for a Halloween poetry assignment

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