Teenage Girls | Teen Ink

Teenage Girls

March 9, 2016
By DrewAnne BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
DrewAnne BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every teenage girl dreams of kissing a frog
No...that’s not quite right
I think it goes a little more like....
well like...Every teenage girl dreams
Of meeting their dream guy
They dream of meeting a prince charming
Someone who will save them
Well...save them...from a thing
we normal people like to call reality
Someone who rides a white steed
and who will carry you off into the sunset
Living as a teenage girl
We often wish for this
We often do not have...that wish granted
but often times feel that we have  fallen in love
yet we teenage girls don’t realize That  love alone
cannot conquer evil all by itself
so we teenage girls often wish for reality
to disappear into an abyss of unwanted things
we teenage girls later grow into mature women
and find true love in what we know as reality
I guess we teenage girls aren’t
very lost in the thought
the thought...of...something other than reality
we teenage girls will still look for that prince charming
even if people tell us that it isn’t reality
But often times those people
will be our moms
who were once teenage girls
who grew into mature woman

The author's comments:

It is about how teenage girls dream they have something more

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