Tiny Dancer | Teen Ink

Tiny Dancer

February 19, 2016
By SVain BRONZE, Hendersonville, North Carolina
SVain BRONZE, Hendersonville, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I didn't change, I grew up. You should try it sometime."

As the girl drew the dancer spun around, and around
in a continuous circle, never stopping
Her pirouettes jet black perfect
Her tiny legs wispy cat tails blowing in the wind
As she spun on and on the girl drew
Before the girl could finish the dancer stopped, and starred
through the paper at the artist. 
The dancer turned for the last time in front of the girl’s eyes,
then walked into the white ocean behind her. 
The girl watched
until the dancer was nothing but a speck on the horizon. 
The artist kept the drawing till her dying day,
checking repeatedly for the dancer, to see if she would return to her maker.
But she never did. 

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