ode to my phone | Teen Ink

ode to my phone

February 9, 2016
By jacbgg BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jacbgg BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You lay cold and lonely,
Desperate for the warmth of my hands.

You die slowly or rapidly depending on our daily activities,
You wait impatiently for me to give you more life.

You give me warning after warning that you're on your last breaths,
You're desperate for my attention when you make little earthquakes in my pocket.

You show me love when you play my favorite songs,
Then you show me hate when you start to run slow.

You commited suicide by jumping out my hands,
The only remains is your shattered face.

My only choice now is to replace you.

Why would you do that?
Jump out my hands?

We have been everywhere together,
All the good we've had.

My only choice is to find a new you,
Even though you are irreplaceable

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about my phone

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