What If !? | Teen Ink

What If !?

February 4, 2016
By Tasiaa SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Tasiaa SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lay there thinking deeply

These what ifs I hear repeatedly.
What if this? What if that?
That’s all I could hear
That was the only thing
Inside my ear.
What if I fail a test?
What if I lose?
What if I get hit in my chest?
What if I bruise?
What if I never succeed?
What if I never have my own?
What if I never believe?
What if I never sit high on a thrown?
What if the world ends?
What if I die?
What if my life bends?
What if I start to cry?
All of those what ifs, only god knows
But eventually you’ll find out how
Those what ifs goes.

The author's comments:

Everyone has some "what ifs" in this world and everyone doesnt get a answer. Your stuck with these questions that only you can answer or atleast find it out someway some how. Every question cant be answered but eventually youll find out something sooner or later.

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