Endless Love | Teen Ink

Endless Love

February 1, 2016
By harlz_2018 BRONZE, Litchfield, Nebraska
harlz_2018 BRONZE, Litchfield, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love is a beautiful thing
But not love from just anyone.
Rather, the kind of love from the one that you couldn’t picture life without.
The love that leaves you thinking about that person day and night,
Even though your focus needs to be somewhere else.

Love that brings out the best in you
Leaves you feeling special.
The kind of love that makes you lose your mind
While you think that nobody else on Earth could make you feel the way he does.

The one that makes you smile,
Laugh when he makes horrible jokes,
Cry tears of joy as you lie next to him and think about how lucky you are to have him
and enjoy every second spent by his side.

Love that makes you miss them as soon as they leave,
Like the many times you start to cry before he even gets out of the drive way.
The love that makes you want to spend every waking moment with them.

The kind of love that picks you up when you are down.
Makes you laugh when you want to cry.
And leaves you feeling warm inside.

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