Torrential Discrimination | Teen Ink

Torrential Discrimination

January 25, 2016
By Trippyman123 BRONZE, Toronto, Other
Trippyman123 BRONZE, Toronto, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We chase an inevitable pitfall
Promises of leads it whispers
We grasp at its polished allure
Deep incisions cause societal fractures
It disperses then circulates
As fierce waters would ration chaos
We desperately struggle to recollect the fragments
Abortive efforts feeding the sinkhole
Dragging us into another agitated meltdown
our tempers boil over, relinquishing us from the gravity
We rise back to the surface beginning the search anew
Alas, its fragments have left us, drifting beyond the horizon
out of sight, blurred in mind

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