The Fireplace | Teen Ink

The Fireplace

December 9, 2015
By MikeyLC BRONZE, Kendall Park, New Jersey
MikeyLC BRONZE, Kendall Park, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So what if I'm crazy, the best people are."

            The warmth from the fireplace brushed the bottom of my feet, making that the only feeling that wasn’t cold.  Today would be 2 years.  2 wonderful years, but I can only say what could’ve happened.  We were the ones that everyone said would last.  It really did seem that way too.  I guess fate had future plans.  We had it all.  And now, I’m all alone in this stupid cabin that we bought just for this occasion.  I guess you are still here with me, but it’s so hard to feel that way.  It’s just not the same.  Nothing will be the same.  I do still love you though.  That will always be true.  I remember I promised you that on our wedding night.  You were trying not to cry but we both knew it didn’t take much to make you cry.  You were the more sensitive one in this marriage, and you always joked about how I must have been born without tear ducts because I never cried or showed emotion.  Well, look at me now.  I’m balling my eyes out on this sofa that looks like the one you had back at your mom’s place.  She’s doing fine by the way.  She’s still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact her beautiful son is dead.  We’re all having a hard time coming to terms with it.  I honestly don’t think I ever will.  You were the one that kept me going, and now I have nothing.  The only thing left for me is this cheap wine we would have shared, right here, in front of this very fire place.  I guess I’ll just have to drink for two.  Cheers baby, we both probably need a drink right now.

The author's comments:

This was my first attempt at a vignette that I actually liked. Haha

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