The End Of The Beginning | Teen Ink

The End Of The Beginning

November 12, 2015
By Cayleigh_H GOLD, New Hyde Park, New York
Cayleigh_H GOLD, New Hyde Park, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beyond all the ideas of right and wrong there is a field I will be meeting you there.~ Rumi

An opened heart, a hopened smile, a teary laugh.
He searches through the aisles for the shaking cries of his past.
He pushed through the sluggish bodies and empty minds, going against the grain of humanity.
He took in a mouth full of shallow breath and toxic thoughts. He slowed down and watched as the graying hair and wasting lives passed him.
He laid on the floor, watching the changing ceiling. His colors mixing with the colors of others, his thoughts intruding theirs.
The lights dimmed, his chest felt heavy.
The ending is only the beginning.

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