For No One's Better Sake | Teen Ink

For No One's Better Sake

October 21, 2015
By Cayleigh_H GOLD, New Hyde Park, New York
Cayleigh_H GOLD, New Hyde Park, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beyond all the ideas of right and wrong there is a field I will be meeting you there.~ Rumi

There are protected memories, that I’ve forgotten along the way. I lost their trail but now a left behind, abandoned smile, that’s quivers with hope that someone, will come by and pick it up.
Someone will pick them up and tell them they'll be happy now. They?l be taken care of. Protected by someone who can. I think about how I would differ from my present self if I had that small change of happiness.
I think about a lot of things. The way the world is consumed by obsession, the unreasonable hatred people have for others, the confusion of my purpose. I’ve come to realize these are questions better off unanswered. If they’re broken down the world is unravelled to release the fire built up inside, breaking the once little bit of piece into cries of anguish and sorrow.

Those cries become screams. Deafening you so finally you can see the world in a new look. We wait around for no one’s better sake. We all have one too many goals. The measure of your worth. Worth measured by gold. You no longer heard the smiles, you saw them. You no longer heard the laughs, you saw them. You no longer heard the emotion, you saw the feelings of happiness, despair, pain, love, you saw them with a light shining down. The light that would guide you to love and a place of acceptance to all. A place of understanding.

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