A Demon In White | Teen Ink

A Demon In White

October 14, 2015
By stuckbetween2worlds BRONZE, HACKETTSTOWN, New Jersey
stuckbetween2worlds BRONZE, HACKETTSTOWN, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.&quot;<br /> ~Lewis Carroll

I am an obsession that is easy to access,

I cause your Cupid’s arrow to go off course

I fuel the raging forest fire of hatred

I am the clouds who rain sadness down upon you

I am the fog who covers your sight

I cause the thoughts that enter your mind

I am the one who cause you to strive for things you do not have

Your want starting overpower your need, my whispers urging you on

I twist and curl your path to your future

The ever larging mirror that I always have handy,

shifting your perspective

I make your vision go red

For the thought of me can change you and who you become.

The thoughts with Perfection are never easy

Because I am Nightmare

Dressed as a daydream 

The author's comments:

When people read my poem, A Demon In White, I hope they're able to get the message that thoughts of perfection can completely tear a person apart. I wish for people to realize that all perfection brings is ruin, and that you are wonderful just the way you are. 

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